Hey Folks,
This week saw another flurry of planting and progress on the farm.
On Friday with the help of a couple of dedicated SLU students we planted more fall bearing raspberries, two more beds of raspberries, two peach trees touted as being hardy down to -25 degrees, 2 chinese chestnuts and we inoculated the mulch around the currants and rhubarb with mushroom spawn. This week we will inoculate more mushie logs adding to the logs prepped last fall. The logs will sit on a crib over the creek on the way to the house. The farm is taking shape to be a virtual eden of diversity.
All of the early brassicas are in and under row cover.
These next weeks will be quite busy prepping for the hot crops set to go in at the end of the month.
If anyone is interested in coming out to the farm on the next couple of saturdays your help will be greatly appreciated.
The word for the next weeks is mulch! mulch! mulch!
We will be in the garden from 8am until noonish.
These days will be a brown bag lunch arrangement, aka b.y.o.
Our first 'First Saturday" workday will be on June 6th.
This will be a potluck. We will start at 8;30am and break for lunch around 12:30ish.
Unfortunately this day falls just after when we will be planting the bulk of tomatoes etc..
But there will still be plenty to do. We will most likely plant corn and beans on this day, weather permitting of course.
We will send out another reminder just prior to the 6th.
We wish everyone a great May and hope to see you in the garden soon.
take good care and stay in touch