Greetings Folks,
We'd like to thank everyone for all of their help these past weeks.
The gardens are looking great and we are on our way towards another productive season.
There is way too much to report on in detail but in a nutshell the major planting is behind us. All of the hot crops are in the ground as are the fall potatoes, lots of potatoes. The 6 varieties of dry beans are up and doing well. The local crow population did their best to eradicate the initial seeding of corn. Because of this we had to replant and cover with floating row cover. Not the most practical prescription for a large planting but certainly helpful.
The late brassicas are in their nursery bed and under row cover waiting to be transplanted in early July.
Formal harvest and distribution is just around the corner. This will happen once we have a critical mass of harvestable veggies. Until then we encourage you to come by often for a fresh picking of greens, herbs, flowers and eggs. As more food starts to come in we will offer it immediately. Stay tuned for more details.
Because the first Saturday in July falls on the 4th we will have the formal garden day on the 11th of July. We will still be in the garden on the fourth most likely harvesting etc..
As you can see from the photos, besides Jim's overactive sweat glands, we now have a yurt. Many thanks go to Louise and crew for all of their generosity and hard effort in making this a reality. The yurt will be used as seasonal housing for guests and as a communal space for farm events and gatherings. We still have some detailing to do but even so it is already a wonderful addition to our project.
Thanks again!
As always stay in touch and please feel comfortable in expressing your thoughts and ideas.
Keep On Keepin' On