Saturday was another inspiring day in the garden. The weather slowly cleared and we had a very productive day of transplanting and mulching for the first of our "first Saturday" garden days. After an informal group introduction , we transplanted 72 broccoli, 60 cauliflower, 110 cabbage, 120 celeriac, 200 leeks, lettuce and yet more onions. After transplanting, the brassicas (cabbage family) were quickly covered with row cover to give them a head start against a

perennial pest, the flea beetle.
The cauliflower and broccoli in this first of two plantings is destined for both fresh eating and for the freezer. With some luck, the bulk of this early round of cabbage will be for our annual
Sauerkraut Making Party (more on this as the crop matures).
We also rolled out 5 very large round bales of hay for mulching the area that will be home to the tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, eggplant and sprawling crops like squash and pumpkins.
This day also brought out a class from St. Lawrence University. Arla Casselman, a first year student at SLU, has been working on a class project highlighting the benefits of an "immersion CSA" like FFT. On Saturday

, she led a tour and gave a talk to her class as part of this project. Arla has been volunteering on a regular basis and has been a great addition to the farm. Her sense of ownership and confidence regarding the gardens is an inspiration for us all.
A farm soup by Valerie and shared treats brought by others made for a nourishing lunch time filled with conversation and community.
Inspired by Marilyn, FFT entered the 47th Annual Rushton Canoe Races on the Grasse River. Participating as a group highlighted an incredible weekend spent with a special group of friends. As for our results? Let's just say that the spirit of the garden also made it's way onto the water and into our boat!
The next scheduled 'first Saturday" garden day will be June 7th.
Thanks again and as always, stay in touch.
bob and val