Also planted was the first round of dill, cilantro, chives and scallions. Earlier in the week we put in the first round of sweet corn, a variety known as "Spring Treat".
We also planted swiss chard, another round of spinach and a nursery bed of lettuce.
Despite the dry weather, all of the crops under row cover are doing well.
The garden shed that will house our "distribution room" is taking shape.
The roof is on and it is wrapped. Next up is siding and windows.
This week we received 125 chicks. They are being brooded in the shop shed and will be ready for pasture in a couple of weeks.
Note that the overwintered spinach is about to go by, so if you are interested in picking it down, please do so asap.
Once this is picked down we will have lettuce. The newly planted spinach crops should follow shortly thereafter.
Come on rain!!
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