Now the vines are taking over the place. The winter squash and pumpkins are coming along nicely. It's about this time of the year when folks start to say "enough with the zucchini",
so unless we hear otherwise we will add zukes and pickling cukes to the "as you like" category.
We will still be harvesting them but we will not be putting any in your baskets. They will be available in an overflow basket on distribution days for those who haven't had their fill. If you are still interested in making pickles let us know so we can set enough aside. The summer squash and slicing cucumbers will still be distributed as they become available.
The paste tomatoes are starting to trickle in. We will distribute them on a rotational basis and will give you heads up in advance. Keep your fingers crossed for some warm and sunny days.
The early broccoli plants were and continue to be a disappointment, we're hoping for better luck with the fall planting. The dry beans would also do well with some high and dry weather.
The earliest planting of edamame beans aren't far off. We will keep you posted on the timing of their harvest. We still have quart yogurt containers bagged and ready to go if you can use some for freezing.
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