Our collective effort and attitude is a rarity within most food production systems.
While most producers look forward to the completion of the season, I can honestly say that I am
having trouble letting go. Athough there is still plenty of food to be brought in, it's hard to deny that in due time this years garden will be but a memory. However, our relationships will continue to live on and grow.
Fortunately for us the line between one season and the next is blurred even further by the shared security of our winter stores.
So, as we continue to tuck the garden in for its well deserved rest, we are in the position to not only reminisce about this past season, but we can also keep a hopeful eye on spring.
This idea is best illustrated through the fall planting of garlic and shallots. At a time when most vegetation is on the wane, the first of next years crops goes in the ground. The passing of one season and the start of another happens in such elegant fashion that you start to understand that there is no beginning and there is no end. All there is... is us and our connection to this most amazing cycle.
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