Friday, April 11, 2008

Garden Update #1 April 12th

Wow! what a difference a week makes.

Since we cancelled the first work day, we've had lots of melting snow, a flood, mud, 70 degrees with sunshine and now more rain and mud. In between the episodes of mud we have been staying busy by transplanting fruit trees and blueberries, expanding the asparagus patch, direct seeding spinach and radishes, sneaking in some early onions and leeks, transplanting lettuce into the cold frames, mulching the shallots and garlic and working on fencing. We have expanded the turkey house and now have a sweet nesting room. It didn't take the hens long before they started to lay. We will collect the eggs until the weather turns milder. At that point we will let the eggs be and allow the hens to set. We hope to have a hatch somewhere around June 1st.
We are also happy to report that the overwintered spinach is doing well and should provide a crop towards the end of the month.

We are especially excited about the amount of interest and help we have been receiving. Barter shareholders and kind volunteers have made for an inspiring start to the spring.
If you are interested in joining in on the fun and excitement let us know. There are opportunities for everyone to learn and share in this wonderful time of the year.

The next scheduled "First Saturday Workday" is May 3rd.

Stay in touch,

bob and valerie

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