Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pie Pumpkins

Your pie pumpkins should store well for a while if kept in a dry, airy place around 50-60 degrees. Store apart from apples, which give off gas and will speed the ripening (and then spoilage) of anything else that's sitting close.
If you don't have the ideal spot to store your pumpkins, I'd suggest freezing the cooked pulp. I freeze pumpkin in the quantity called for in recipes I commonly use- pie, muffins, bread, soup. Do it all at once for efficiency. To cook, cut the pumpkins open, scoop seeds, and quarter. Set in a large pot with a steamer basket in the bottom and water just about touching the basket. Steam until soft and allow to cool a bit. Scrape pulp from skin. Measure and place in a freezer conainer or freezer bag with the quantity written on it. When you need some, pull it at least a day in advance to defrost.

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