Hello All,
Time passes so quickly these days. It seems the longer the days, the quicker time flies.
It is raining very hard at the moment. Garden updates and weather reports go hand in hand and this week is no different. In the past 10 days we've had over 7" of rain, 80 degrees plus with high humidity, strong winds and now daily highs in the 50's with rain. Thankfully the garden and environs were spared the brunt of this past week's instability (aka hail).
We started to harvest snap peas today and the shellers are not far off. The early potatoes have been hilled twice and are looking good. The popcorn is up and the second planting of sweet corn is in the ground, as is the last round of edamame soybeans. Also recently planted were some fall storage cabbage, more green beans, wax beans and another round of cilantro. As soon as we get a break from the rain, we will plant the storage potatoes along with next year's seedstock.
All of the animals are doing well. The first round of chickens should start their migration to your freezers in another 3 weeks or so. The turkeys have yet to start setting but we (Marilyn) are incubating eggs to hedge our bets. We still haven't resolved our steer issue. The local feller that we purchased them from has been in and out of the hospital and has been unable to make delivery. We are trying to get this worked out and will keep you updated as it unfolds.
We are starting our formal harvest days from here on out. We will be emailing you all ASAP to confirm your day and to go over how things will work. If you have any questions/comments about this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to bring it up.
Enjoy your solstice.
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